28 Oct 2012

Russian Owls

Earth friendly Owls created by Russian toymaker Olga Zamyatina

Made on her grandmother's sewing machine using natural fabrics in Moscow. превосходный! 

Visit her shop or her blog for more info. 

25 Oct 2012

Lana Wachowski's Speech

She co-directed The Matrix series with her brother Andrew Wachowski. They've recently transformed David Mitchell's novel Cloud Atlas for the cinema. 

She's also transgender. This is her speech at the Human Rights Campaign award ceremony, where she received the visibility award. 

I like it because she's a great writer and wrote a great speech. Hopefully it does increase visibility for people who need that support. 

20 Oct 2012

14 Oct 2012

Adonna Khare

An American artist, she creates large-scale drawings of beasts using pencil. 

Her website

30 Sept 2012

Phillip Schumacher

A young German photographer, forever pronounced shoemaker in my head. 

27 Sept 2012

22 Sept 2012


I agree with this: 

'... short-term volunteer projects can do more harm than good. Wealthy tourists prevent local workers from getting much-needed jobs, especially when they pay to volunteer; hard-pressed institutions waste time looking after them and money upgrading facilities; and abused or abandoned children form emotional attachments to the visitors, who increase their trauma by disappearing back home.'

Voluntourism packages sold for profit by Western companies can devalue the positive intentions of their customers, often teenagers, by prioritising their desires over the needs of a poor community. Often the volunteers are completely untrained for the professional work they assume, such as teaching, and although they can bring friendship and care to a community, they can also inadvertently replace local professionals and destabilise actual development. 

When it comes to orphanages and schools it is unacceptable that unchecked foreigners are allowed to work alone with children. This would never be permitted in the UK and should not be permitted when sending British volunteers to other countries. I have witnessed personally the risks of this negligence. Criminal record checks should be mandatory for all work with minors.

Not only can poor communities loose out on these ventures, the volunteers themselves can pay thousands of pounds more than necessary to cover their basic needs. This extra money, which could be donated to the communities in question, is earnt instead by Western companies.

Volunteering abroad should utilise the volunteer's own skills or profession. It should provide unpaid work without causing local redundancy or employment insecurity. It should suit the project's current needs and development. Finally, it should foster true international partnerships - people to people - instead of matching rich, paying groups with poor, dependent groups. Local leaders should have the final say, not businessmen in London. 

I know life isn't perfect, but some volunteering options are too far removed from their original purpose.  

21 Sept 2012

Ivan Tsarevich riding the grey wolf, Victor Vasnetsov

I just watched Coraline on TV

I love how this entire thing is stop-motion puppetry and not computer graphics. 

19 Sept 2012

Upsala Circus: a Russian social project designed to protect children and teenagers from street-life risks in exchange for creative growth and opportunity. Based in St. Petersburg.